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• Reviewed for ksqlDB 0.29

How to Get Current Configuration Values in ksqlDB

Use a LIST statement to get current values:



Property                         | Scope | Default override | Effective Value
 ...  | KSQL  |                  | 5000
 ksql.connect.url                 | KSQL  | SERVER           | http://my-connect-cluster-connect-api:8083
 ksql.hidden.topics               | KSQL  |                  | _confluent.*,__confluent.*,_schemas,__consumer_offsets,__transaction_state,connect-configs,connect-offsets,connect-status,connect-statuses                  | KSQL  | SERVER           | ksql-server   | KSQL  | SESSION          | earliest
 ksql.streams.bootstrap.servers   | KSQL  | SERVER           | PLAINTEXT://kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092

Note the column Default override. It tells you at which level a particular property was set:

An empty value means the default value set at the ksqlDB source code is used.

SERVER appears when the configuration value was set when spinning up the ksqlDB cluster.

SESSION shows up when you used a set statement to override the configuration for the current session.

LIST PROPERTIES doesn’t have an extended version.
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