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• Reviewed for ksqlDB 0.29

How to Remove Field from Stream in ksqlDB

In the use case below, we have a flights stream like the one below and we want to drop the field departed_at from it:

  flight_id    INT KEY,
  from_country STRING,
  departed_at  TIMESTAMP
) WITH (
  KAFKA_TOPIC  = 'flights',
  PARTITIONS   = 10,

Attempt #1: create or replace - error

You will get the create or replace error if you try to remove a field by running CREATE OR REPLACE with the new schema as it would be a non-backward compatible change:

Cannot upgrade data source: DataSource 'FLIGHTS' has schema = FLIGHT_ID INTEGER KEY, FROM_COUNTRY STRING, DEPARTED_AT TIMESTAMP which is not upgradeable to FLIGHT_ID INTEGER KEY, FROM_COUNTRY STRING. (The following columns are changed, missing or reordered: [DEPARTED_AT TIMESTAMP])

Attempt #2: drop and create - success

To successfully remove the field, you will first need to drop the stream without deleting the underlying topic (note that we don’t use the DELETE TOPIC modifier):

DROP STREAM flights;

Then, recreate the stream with the new schema:

  flight_id    INT KEY,
  from_country STRING -- without departed_at
) WITH (
  KAFKA_TOPIC  = 'flights',
  PARTITIONS   = 10,
INTERESTING FACT - The underlying topic would still contain the data for the dropped column, but it won’t be visible or accessible by the users of that stream.
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